Dear School Librarian,
Thank you for taking the time to explore our book collection. We have continued the Yelpy Kelpie series with our new book, One Yelpy Kelpie in A Sticky Situation. Following the success of One Yelpy Kelpie and One Yelpy Kelpie's Melbourne and Wildlife Adventures, we have decided that One Yelpy Kelpie is the character to take children on many more adventures to come. Aloysius the Ram at Chateau de Lalande is proving very popular, and the proceeds go directly to brain cancer research in children.
All our books are listed on the Victorian Premier's Reading Challenge. Most are on the year 3/4 list; however, as The Big Hungry Tree and Penelope Plume highlight additional elements of inclusion and ASD awareness, they range from early childhood right through to year 9. Of course, you can help us stay on the list with recommendations from you and your students. We would love other states to take up the opportunity to put our books on their lists.
We have been fortunate over the years to gain an excellent response to all our books and have sold more than 150,000, with many repeatedly being on bestseller lists. However, by far, the positive feedback we receive from children is more important.
The Big Hungry Tree is a fun, interactive children’s book with additional elements such as a counting scale and repetitive rhymes. Ned the wombat reads the book with you and shares his unique thoughts. Ned has Aspergers Syndrome or ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder. Whilst Ned's thoughts do not distract from the story for mainstream children, it begins an awareness journey that is so important to those with ASD. Ned returns in the hilarious calamity that is created by Penelope Plume. DARE TO BE ASD-AWARE!
Please look on the books page for more information on each of our books.
We have provided a Special School Offer on our book products.
Thank you and I hope you consider adding our books to your library collection.
Jo Rothwell